sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Curso online de Trading y Analisis tecnico.

En el siguiente Link podran hacer un curso online sobre trading y Analisis tecnico, muy recomendado ademas es Gratis!.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Te consulto: Cual es el mejor analizador de Acumulacion/Distribucion on line y free (no software). Gracias. Leo
Dejo este aporte al tema de las Pennys

A Penny Stocks Life or Market Cycles
Stage 1 - Accumulation. Stock is quiet, trading sideways and without a lot of volatility. Most everyone ignores the stock because it has no sizzle. Insiders hold large blocks of stock and quietly gear up for the distribution.

Stage 2 - Breakout. Volume jumps up, psychological barriers are broken. Insiders begin to tell their friends of upcoming significant fundamental change. Pros take notice and buy the stock on the coat tails of the well informed. The public ignores it because they have not read about the company in the paper yet. It must be a scam.

Stage 3 - Uptrend. As a larger audience learns of the company and its promise, more buying comes in to the stock and it begins to climb. Pros begin to sell, but slowly. Average investor begins to buy.

Stage 4 - Pullback. The stock has gone up too fast, and some profit taking arrives. The jumpy investor who got the entry timing right but lacks confidence in his or her decision sells the stock with a small profit, and smiles in the mirror. The Pro holds on, Average Investor looks through the newspaper to find justification for ownership of the shares.

Anónimo dijo...

parte 3:
Stage 9 - Out of Gas. The bounce is a fake out, and the stock moves lower again. The public own this stock, and they have no more power to buy. The Pro are making money on the short sales now, but are despised by the masses. Calls for short selling to be made illegal are made by the Average Investor, after all, the short sellers are the demons causing the sell off.

Stage 10 - Dead Cat Bounce. The Average Investor and the wannabe Pro have no pain tolerance left, and finally sell for a big loss. The short selling Pros are the only buyers to take the share off their hands, and provide the needed liquidity. The stock bounces, and some short term traders make a quick profit. The Average Investor either swears to never buy a stock again, or tells lively stories over drinks about the one that could have been.

Stage 11 - Post Mortem. Pros have forgot about the stock and are considering carpet samples for their new home in Florida. Average Investor continues to follow the company and buys loads of cheap stock to try and overcome the regrettable loss.

The stock market is mean. You can be a good analyst, but if you can't overcome the psychological traps of trading, you will do what the crowd does. To be successful, you have be one step ahead of the crowd, and trade with unemotional discipline. There are strategies to take advantage of each stage of the market cycle that can be applied just by looking at a stock chart. They just require a bit of knowledge.

Susana dijo...

Mendigo una consulta compre CAEI, si bien subia el jueves un 20 % ahora esta en baja y bajando el volumen.
Hay que considerarla una penny ????
otra tenes alguna opinion sobre HGSI?
Muchas gracias!!!

Unknown dijo...

Muy bueno seba. saludos.

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Mendi, como va espero que muy bien en tu nvo proyecto !

Bienvenidos tus comentarios y perlitas de siempre !!!!

Bueno, hoy quiero hacerte un aporte al blog y si te parece te doy paso ...

Hoy fue un día DIFICIL para el DOW y SPY aunque este último nos deja una linda lección de ondas elliot y mini curso.

Ahí va ...

PD Hoy se me llenó el traste de preguntas con TS y PBR ...

Abrazo, Bufón.



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Apasionado de la bolsa,amante de la Astronomía y en busca siempre de mejorar la calidad de vida. Siempre tratando de hacer cosas nuevas que impacten en la vida de las personas. Hace poco funde Querandi Rugby Club,