viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Tri-Tech Holding - TRIT

TRIT: hermosa compania China que me esta gustando para entrar con un target a largo plazo de $20 Dolares, actualmente $8.65, les dejo el prospecto en Ingles para que lo analizen, por fundamentals este papel es barato.

Some Growth Prospects (From 10-Q)

New Opportunities in Water Resources and Wastewater Treatment

We are currently pursuing over 100 smaller river basin flood monitoring and forecasting systems with a market potential of approximately $72.5 million, and groundwater monitoring systems for over 100 counties across the country with a market potential of another $72.5 million. There can be no guaranty that we will be successful in all or any of these endeavors. Through local distributors and partnerships, we also promote our proprietary products targeting the water monitoring and dispatching systems of the Northward Rerouting of Southern River engineering construction, which has market potential of approximately $43.5 million.

South-North Water Transfer Project is a large, inter-basin, long-distance water transfer project that is charged with dozens of major urban water supply tasks for such cities as Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang. The current automated dispatch system monitors a total of 304 buildings. As a result of our ability to assist with (i) the use of information acquisition and processing technology, (ii) the modernization of the operations maintenance and management, (iii) the establishment of a sound system and (iv) the greatest degree of rational management of water to make full use of China’s valuable water resources, we expect an increase in sales of this project.

China frequently faces flash floods and similar national disasters, so strengthening the prevention and treatment of such disasters is essential. System monitoring of rainfall by the water system, early warning and early warning response system is comprised of three parts. Data and early warning information processing service as the core, through computer networks, databases, early warning command and control platform release constitutes a set of flash floods disaster early warning system, especially for Hubei and Qinghai provinces. We expect an increase in sales of this project.

Our wastewater treatment business segment focuses on Tianjin City and Hebei Province. Specifically, the Tianjin Binhai New Area spurs the growth of the total output value with major new infrastructure projects. The total GDP output value of the Binhai New Area is expected to increase by 22%. Within the next few years, Binhai New Area plans to construct over 40 large scale pumping stations and over 30 sewage treatment plants with a total market potential of approximately $8.7 billion.

Hebei Province is another targeted market. Hebei Province plans to construct over 50 sewage and grey water reuse treatment plants in the next two years.

We also actively pursue opportunities in the industrial wastewater and process tail gas treatment market in the petrochemical industry, such as SINOPEC Yanshan Plant, Petro China Jilin Plant, SINOPEC Anqing Plant, and Dalian.

Currently almost all newly designed sewage treatment plants have odorous gases containment and control requirements. As such, we expect an increase in sales of our proprietary biofiltration odor control systems.

To take advantage of these new market opportunities, we continue to increase our workforce to meet the increased work load. In order to pursue several major new water projects, we registered a branch office in Tianjin Dongli Economic Development Zone and set up a branch office in Hebei Province to get closer to our clients.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Estimado Mendigo,
busco TRIT en la plataforma de mi broker y no existe...
Está a la venta actualmente?

-como siempre, gracias por tu aporte!

Pablo / pingtospace

inlimbo dijo...

Mendigo, en que mercado cotiza esta accion? dijo...

Aca esta el ticker

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Mendigo
Esta TRIT es una accion nueva que recien empieza a cotizar no?
y Con respecto a RODM que ayer bajaba 11 % la seguis viendo bien?
Gracias, saludos
Ringo dijo...

Ringo: Si es nueva trit, respecto a RODM sinceramente no esperaba esta baja, pero al largo plazo la sigo viendo ganadora.



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Apasionado de la bolsa,amante de la Astronomía y en busca siempre de mejorar la calidad de vida. Siempre tratando de hacer cosas nuevas que impacten en la vida de las personas. Hace poco funde Querandi Rugby Club,